Semper Fi and Semper Paratus

Semper Fi and Semper Paratus Introduction The mottos “Semper Fi” and “Semper Paratus” belong to two distinguished branches of the United States Armed Forces: the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard, respectively. These phrases encapsulate the values and commitments that define these services. Semper Fi Origin and Meaning “Semper Fi” is short for “Semper Fidelis,” a Latin phrase meaning “Always Faithful.” It is the motto of the United States Marine Corps and signifies a lifelong commitment to loyalty and faithfulness to the mission, fellow Marines, and the country....

June 15, 2024 · 2 min · M Kesha

Watching Your Six

“Watching your six” is a phrase that comes from the world of aviation and military, and it means to keep an eye on what’s happening behind you. Explanation Clock Analogy: Imagine you’re looking at a clock. If you’re facing 12 o’clock, then directly behind you is 6 o’clock. So, “watching your six” means being aware of any dangers or threats that might be sneaking up on you from behind. Staying Safe: It’s about staying safe and being aware of your surroundings....

June 2, 2024 · 1 min · M Kesha

Bravo Zulu

What is Bravo Zulu? “Bravo Zulu” is a naval signal typically conveyed by flag hoist or voice radio, meaning “Well Done.” The term is widely used in the military to commend someone for a well-executed job. It is part of the NATO phonetic alphabet, where “Bravo” stands for the letter B and “Zulu” stands for the letter Z. Origins of Bravo Zulu The origins of “Bravo Zulu” trace back to the Allied Naval Signal Book (ACP 175 series)....

May 27, 2024 · 2 min · M Kesha