
The Ship of Theseus is a famous thought experiment that explores the nature of identity and change. It raises questions about what it means for something to remain the same object even when its components are replaced over time.

The Thought Experiment

Imagine a ship owned by the mythical Greek hero Theseus. This ship, over time, has its wooden parts replaced one by one as they wear out. Eventually, all the original parts of the ship are replaced with new ones. The question then arises: Is this ship still the Ship of Theseus?

Key Questions

  1. Identity: Is the ship with all its parts replaced still the same ship?
  2. Continuity: Does gradual replacement preserve the identity of the ship?
  3. Essence: What is the essential part that makes the ship “the Ship of Theseus”?

Variations of the Thought Experiment

  1. Reconstruction: If all the original parts removed from the ship were collected and used to build another ship, which one is the true Ship of Theseus?
  2. Modern Examples: Consider objects like a bicycle, a computer, or even a human body where parts are replaced over time. Does the object or person remain the same?

Philosophical Perspectives

1. Materialism:

  • Believes that the identity of an object is tied to its material composition.
  • If all parts are replaced, the object is no longer the same.

2. Essentialism:

  • Holds that objects have an underlying essence that defines their identity.
  • As long as this essence is preserved, the object remains the same.

3. Perdurantism:

  • Suggests that objects are extended in time and are made up of temporal parts.
  • The identity of the ship is maintained through its temporal parts.

4. Relational Identity:

  • Considers the relationships and functions of the parts within the whole.
  • The ship remains the same as long as the structure and function are maintained.


The Ship of Theseus is a fascinating way to explore the concept of identity. It challenges us to think about what makes an object fundamentally the same over time despite changes. There are no definitive answers, but it opens up a rich field of discussion in philosophy.