Semper Fi and Semper Paratus


The mottos “Semper Fi” and “Semper Paratus” belong to two distinguished branches of the United States Armed Forces: the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard, respectively. These phrases encapsulate the values and commitments that define these services.

Semper Fi

Origin and Meaning

“Semper Fi” is short for “Semper Fidelis,” a Latin phrase meaning “Always Faithful.” It is the motto of the United States Marine Corps and signifies a lifelong commitment to loyalty and faithfulness to the mission, fellow Marines, and the country.


The motto “Semper Fi” embodies the spirit of dedication and unwavering loyalty. Marines use it as a greeting, a sign of respect, and a reminder of their duty. It reflects their commitment to uphold the values and honour of the Marine Corps at all times.


The phrase represents more than words; it is a way of life for Marines. “Semper Fi” underscores the importance of trust, honour, and fidelity in personal conduct and collective mission. It is a guiding principle for Marines to remain true to their values, comrades, and nation.

Semper Paratus

Origin and Meaning

“Semper Paratus” is a Latin phrase meaning “Always Ready.” It is the motto of the United States Coast Guard, symbolising their readiness to respond to emergencies and fulfil their duties at any moment.


The motto “Semper Paratus” highlights the constant state of preparedness required of Coast Guard members. It reflects their ability to act swiftly and efficiently in various situations, from search and rescue operations to enforcing maritime law.


“Semper Paratus” signifies the dedication and vigilance of the Coast Guard. It emphasises the importance of being prepared for any eventuality and maintaining a high level of readiness. This readiness ensures the Coast Guard can effectively carry out their responsibilities to protect and serve.


a"Semper Fi" and “Semper Paratus” embody core values of loyalty, readiness, and dedication. While each motto serves different branches of the United States Armed Forces, they both reflect a commitment to duty and the principles that guide these esteemed organisations. Understanding these mottos gives us insight into the ethos of the Marine Corps and the Coast Guard, highlighting the enduring values that drive their missions and actions.