MRSGREF is an acronym that helps us remember the seven characteristics of living things. Each letter stands for a different characteristic. Let us explore each one with examples.

M - Movement

Living things can move, either by themselves or parts of their bodies.

Example: A cat chasing a ball or a sunflower turning towards the sun.

R - Respiration

Respiration means exchanging gases with the environment. Most living things breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

Example: Humans breathing or fish using gills to take in oxygen from water.

S - Sensitivity

Living things respond to changes in their environment.

Example: A rabbit running away from a predator or a plant bending towards light.

G - Growth

Living things grow and develop over time.

Example: A puppy growing into a dog or a seed sprouting into a tree.

R - Reproduction

Living things can produce offspring, either sexually or asexually.

Example: Birds laying eggs or plants producing seeds.

E - Excretion

Excretion is the process of removing waste products from the body.

Example: Humans sweating or trees releasing oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis.

F - Food

Living things need food or energy to survive.

Example: Humans eat meals or plants using sunlight for photosynthesis.

By remembering MRSGREF, we can easily recall what makes something alive!